

Q: Where is the Hoe Street and Wood Street area?

A: The Hoe Street and Wood Street area is framed by Hoe Street, Forest Road, Wood Street, Lea Bridge Road and Shernhall Street. For the purpose of the programme this scheme has been named the Hoe Street and Wood Street area and forms part of the Mini- Holland Villages scheme.

Q: Why has this area been selected to receive Mini-Holland funding?

A: We want to improve the residential areas surrounding Walthamstow Town Centre to improve accessibility and increase safety. Residential streets in the this area, as well as Walthamstow Village, Blackhorse Village area and Markhouse Village area will receive funding to improve the roads and lessen congestion. A key feature of the scheme involves returning the streets to local people by preventing non-local traffic from cutting through the area whilst making the streets safer, quieter and more enjoyable.

Q: How will the area change?

A: We hope that the area will become a more enjoyable place to live and work by reducing traffic and lessening congestion on the roads. The area will also benefit from public realm improvements such as parks, planting and improved lighting.

Q: How can I have my say on the scheme and how will you use my views?

A: We want to build a genuine dialogue with local residents and businesses to help inform and shape the proposals. There will be lots of opportunities for people to have their say on the scheme and we will consider comments extremely carefully and feed these into our designs where possible. Suggestions and questions can also be emailed to miniholland@walthamforest.gov.uk.

Q: How will the scheme affect businesses?

A: There is a growing body of evidence from London and other cycling cities that shows people who cycle (along with public transport users and pedestrians) are loyal supporters of local shops and services. They tend to use local shops and services more frequently and spend more money per month than those travelling by car. By improving the look of the area we hope to attract new customers and increase business opportunity. Throughout the programme we will work with businesses to makes sure they can take advantage of the 6opportunities the proposed changes will bring.