
Blended ‘Copenhagen’ Crossings


About blended 'Copenhagen' Crossings

To help make walking and cycling in the borough easy, safe and enjoyable, we’re introducing a new style of crossing at side road junctions across the borough called blended 'Copenhagen' crossings.

Blended crossings are designed to slow down vehicles when entering or exiting side roads and encourage vehicles to give way to pedestrians crossing the road, reinforcing the rules of the Highway Code.

The first blended crossings were only introduced in Clapham in June 2014 and the opportunity to learn from elsewhere in the UK is limited. They are however commonplace in mainland Europe, particularly in cities that are considered the best places for walking and cycling.

As they are new to the borough and the UK, there will be a period of adjustment as people get used to the new layouts. We appreciate that initially these crossings may confuse pedestrians and drivers, and that they may be seen as dangerous, however the design has been through an extensive evaluation process, including an independent road safety audit.

Even so, we will monitor the changes to ensure they are performing well and any potential safety issues identified. This will include a further independent road safety audit to understand user behaviour at the crossings. We'll also be placing more signs in the area to make road users aware of the road changes ahead.

How to use these crossings

The priority at blended 'Copenhagen' crossings is governed and reinforced by highway law in the same way as any other side road.

People turning into side roads in cars (e.g. from Hoe Street into Granville Road) should always give way to people who have started to cross as described in the Highway code. Rule 170 of the Highway Code states - Pedestrians that have started to cross the side road have priority over vehicles turning into the side road. 

Vehicles turning out of the side road should abide by any give way markings and give way to any traffic including pedestrians and people cycling along the main road.