
Markhouse Area

Boundary Road for web

The Markhouse Area is a residential scheme in the Enjoy Waltham Forest programme. The area is framed by Hoe Street, Selborne Road, Markhouse Road and Lea Bridge Road.

In September 2018 Waltham Forest Council carried out a public consultation with the local community on plans for the Markhouse Area. Overall, 2,205 people responded to the public consultation, leaving almost 13,000 comments on our proposals to discourage non-local traffic from using the area as a cut-through (also known as rat-running). In total 915 of these respondents were from residential or business addresses within the scheme boundary, and contributed more than 6,000 comments on the plans.

After carrying out a detailed and thorough analysis of this feedback the Council decided not to progress the below proposals:

  • Series 1 Queen’s Road and Boundary Road: timed closures and traffic direction changes
  • Series 2 Albert Road/Shrubland Road/Edinburgh Road area: traffic management and modal filters (road closures)
  • Series 5 Farmilo Road area: traffic management and modal filters
  • Series 6 Queen’s Road and Boundary Road: environmental and public realm improvements
  • Series 7 Farmilo Road: traffic calming improvements
  • Series 8 Boundary Road: street improvements
  • Series 9 Bowdon Road to Shrubland Road: alleyway improvements.

However, analysis of the consultation responses showed that feedback from residents within Series 3 (Gosport Road area) and Series 4 (Chelmsford Road, Lansdowne Road, Somerset Road areas) was mixed and that there was local interest in measures to help reduce vehicle numbers and speeds, improve road safety and the look and feel of these areas.
A full analysis of the consultation responses can be found in the useful documents section on the right of this page, and in a link at the bottom of this page.

Low Traffic Streets

As there was local support for some of the measures in the original Series 4 and Series 3 Areas, we arranged engagement activities with the community to develop the plans further.

In April 2019 we circulated new proposals to the 1,200 residents living in the Series 3 area and invited their comments on our proposals. The results of the consultation showed that residents were supportive of the improvements and construction of the scheme took place in summer 2020. You can view the the Series 3 consultation report in the column on the right.

In July 2019 we held a co-design workshop at Edinburgh Primary School and invited residents from the Series 4 Area to come along and help shape the plans. A total of 45 people attended the workshop, which included a number of exercises to help understand local priorities and views towards potential solutions, as well as giving residents the opportunity to develop their own ideas for the area.
In January 2020 a hardcopy consultation leaflet and questionnaire was hand delivered to 948 properties in the Series 4 Area asking for feedback on proposals. 26% of households in series 4 took part in the consultation and results showed that the majority of participants were supportive of the measures. A report, detailing the feedback received at the workshop and consultation, can be found in the useful documents column on the right.

Construction of the series 4 scheme started in June 2020, however unfortunately due to Covid-19 and the reduction in funding for local authorities, we are facing financial uncertainty with various schemes in the borough. Therefore we have had to prioritise which proposals to take forward based on the relative benefits they will bring to the area. Certain proposals, such as the planned traffic calming improvements throughout the area and public art on Queen’s Road and Boundary Road, aren’t able to go ahead at this time. Subject to future funding availability we may be able to review this and we will update residents on information and any changes this website.



If you have any questions relating to the Enjoy Waltham Forest programme, do get in touch.

Email - enjoy@walthamforest.gov.uk

Write to -
Enjoy Waltham Forest Programme Team
Waltham Forest Council
Low Hall Argall Avenue
E10 7AS

Phone - 020 8496 3000. Monday to Friday 9am–5pm.