
When to get involved in the scheme

Before each stage begins we will write to every household and business in the area to let you know what is happening, as well as how and when you can get involved. We will share findings with you after each stage.

Here’s a breakdown of the sections and dates so that you know when to get involved.

StageWhat it involves?Dates
Perception surveyTake part in our perception survey to tell us what you think of Highams Park.
The results from this survey will be used to develop an initial design for stage two of the scheme (see below).
March 2016
Co-design workshopsIn April/ May we will write to all addresses in the consultation area inviting residents and businesses to attend a workshop where we will present an initial design shaped by the results of the perception survey. The comments from this workshop will help us improve the design and develop a group of proposals for the public consultation, stage three (see below).April/ May 2016
ConsultationBefore the consultation starts you will be sent a flyer inviting you to take part online, and letting you know how to request a hard copy document. You will have three weeks to review the proposals and complete the questionnaire, giving us your comments on the design for the Highams Park scheme. The results from this stage will be used to make alterations to the plans (stage five) to reflect the concerns and aspirations people have in the area.July 2016
Drop in sessionsWe’ll hold drop in sessions during the consultation period, so you have the chance to see the plans in person, speak to us face to face and ask questions. Dates for these sessions will be included in the consultation flyer and promoted through the Council twitter feed @wfcouncil.July 2016
Final plans updateAll of the information and feedback gathered will be used to shape a final design. We’ll write to you with details of what this looks like. All information will be available online and we will still welcome your views during this stage.August/ September 2016
ConstructionThe exact start and end date of the construction period will depend on the results from the consultation period. Before work starts on specific roads, we’ll send a letter to let you know what to expect. During construction we’ll try to keep disruption to a minimum and have signs in place so you know what’s happening.October 2016 to March 2017
Monitoring and reviewEach Mini-Holland scheme will go through an internal monitoring and review process for us to assess how the changes have met the objectives set by Transport for London. This review will take place from six months after the construction is complete.September 2017