Lloyd Park and Higham Hill improvement scheme
Please note this project page has been moved to the main Council website. All future updates on the project will now be published at:
Scheme update
This scheme is currently being constructed. We apologise for any disruption and kindly ask local people to bear with us while the changes bed in. We appreciate that local people may have some questions about the scheme and how they travel in the area therefore we have provided some links below to help:
- Frequently asked questions - read our FAQ document which includes answers to the questions local people have asked us.
- Updated area map - view the latest area map to help you plan your journeys.
- Consultation update leaflet - read the post consultation update leaflet sent to residents in June 2023.
The scheme is being introduced using Experimental Traffic Management Orders (ETMOs) which last for a maximum period of 18 months. The first six months form a further Statutory Consultation period during which comments can be provided by the community on the changes under ‘live’ conditions. Before the 18-month period has finished we must make a decision on whether to make the changes permanent or not, considering any feedback received alongside the traffic monitoring we intend to undertake regularly during the experimental period.
Statutory Consultation started on 23 October 2023, with ETMO revisions implemented on 20 November 2023, and will be open for comments during the first six months of the experimental process until 20 May 2024. Following the ETMO process, we will analyse the responses and include suggestions where possible.
If you would like to send any comments, please write to the Enjoy Waltham Forest Team quoting “LP+HH - ETMO Comments” in the subject line; and send it to the contact details below before 20 May 2024.
Contact us:
Email: enjoy@walthamforest.gov.uk
Write to: Enjoy Waltham Forest Team, Low Hall, Argall Avenue, E10 7AS
Phone: 020 8496 3000 (and ask to speak with the Enjoy Waltham Forest Team)
Waltham Forest Council is committed to creating safe and attractive streets and neighbourhoods that encourage walking, cycling and the use of public transport. Walking and cycling can have significant benefits for our personal health and the environment, and are a means to help tackle key priorities for the Council including the public health, air quality and climate crises within the borough. Creating streets and spaces that support and enable active and sustainable travel, particularly for local journeys, is a fundamental part of the Council’s 15-minute Neighbourhoods approach and Climate Action Plan.
Over the past few years we have delivered a number of highway improvements across what we refer to as the Lloyd Park and Higham Hill area, such as targeted road safety improvements and upgraded traffic calming measures. We know there’s much more to be done across the wider area to help reduce the impact of traffic and create safer, more inviting, and accessible streets for local people. This is why in November 2022 we invited local people to share their thoughts on the next phase of highway and transport proposals for the area which aim to address some of the key ongoing concerns around the volume, speed and impact of traffic, while supporting more people to walk, cycle and use public transport whilst also improving the look and feel of the area.
This stage of the Lloyd Park and Higham Hill area improvement scheme includes the areas listed and shown on the map below:
Series 1 - bounded by Billet Road, Chingford Road, Forest Road, and is also bounded by and includes North Countess Road, Priory Court and South Countess Road.
Series 2 - bounded by Forest Road, Higham Hill Road and is also bounded by and includes Queen Elizabeth Road, Blenheim Road and Blackhorse Lane.
Engagement and consultation
In November 2022, over 5000 leaflets were delivered to addresses within the scheme boundary asking the local community for input and feedback on the latest plans for the area. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. The consultation formally ran between 30 November 2022 and 23 December 2022, but the Council continued to receive feedback and engage with stakeholders during the first three months of 2023. The consultation was primarily hosted online via the digital engagement platform Commonplace, and hard copies were available upon request. A copy of the consultation document can be accessed via the documents panel on the right-hand-side of the page.
Posters were displayed within the scheme area to raise awareness of the consultation of the two drop-in events which took place on 7 December 2022 and 10 December 2022. A total of 86 people attended the two drop-in events where they were able to view the plans, discuss the scheme with council officers and provide feedback on the proposals.
As part of the consultation process we contacted key stakeholders including the emergency services, medical emergency services, medical practices and organisations, utility companies, businesses, religious institutions, councillors and schools; to make them aware of the consultation and gather feedback on the proposals, which have been worked into the final design.
Consultation results and updated design proposals
A total of 550 verified people took part in the consultation. Thank you again for everyone who participated.
As part of the consultation, we asked a number of specific questions about the scheme and each series (group) of proposals. You can view the results of the consultation overall as well as the feedback to these questions about the series 1 and series 2 proposals in the update leaflet on in the useful documents panel.
Respondents were also able to provide more detailed feedback on specific or individual measures through two map based surveys, one for series 1 and one for series 2. This provided significant additional insight into some of the main aspirations, concerns and issues raised by the local community and has been a key consideration in developing an updated scheme for the area. Some of the main areas of feedback were:
• the impact of the consultation proposals in series 1 on Brettenham Road and a number of other streets in the near vicinity
• aspirations for more to be done in some streets within Series 1 to reduce the impact of traffic and parking, and to enhance the look and feel of the area
• the impact of the consultation proposals in series 2 on Clifton Avenue and
Pembar Avenue
• access for the emergency services and access to key services.
Overall, there is support for a scheme in the area, however some concerns were raised regarding the modal filters and environmental improvements for both series 1 and series 2.
In response to the key issues raised in series 1 we have made changes to the proposed modal filter locations across the area to help find a balance between addressing the impact of vehicles and access for residents, which also reduces the need for some existing one-way roads to be made two-way, particularly Brettenham Road.
In response to key issues raised in series 2, the modal filters are to be replaced with No Entry restrictions from Blackhorse Lane which will prevent Pembar Avenue and Clifton Road seeing an increase in vehicle numbers while addressing the impact of vehicles traveling through the area.
An update leaflet was delivered to all addresses within the consultation area. In the leaflet, we provided more detail on the specific proposals which have been progressed, along with proposals which will be changed. You can view the leaflet by clicking here.
The map below shows the updated plan for the Lloyd Park and Higham Hill Improvement Scheme. A higher quality version of the plan can be accessed via the useful documents panel on the right-hand-side of the page.
For further information on the scheme, please refer to the useful documents panel on the right-hand-side of the page, or contact enjoy@walthamforest.gov.uk.