
Wadley Road / Esther Road / King’s Passage

Flood Risk Management Scheme 

Following the extreme flooding in Waltham Forest during the summer of 2021, we have been
developing a scheme that aims to reduce the risk of flooding in your local area.

As Wadley Road, Esther Road and King’s Passage were some of the most affected areas in
the borough, the Council is prioritising these areas for further investment in highway
improvement measures aimed at reducing instances of local flooding, by relieving pressure
on Thames Water infrastructure (drainage systems) to minimise flood risk to residential
properties. The schemes also aim to improve and support the local drainage system and
biodiversity by introducing Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) where feasible.

The design for the area includes the elements below:

• Permeable Surfacing
A permeable road is proposed to allow rainwater to filter through the carriageway surfacing and into the
voided stone fill layer below the surface, which provides surface water storage. These stored volumes of
surface water are released back into the Thames Water sewer system at a controlled rate over a period of
time as capacity becomes available in the sewer network after the storm event has passed.

• Raingardens
A Raingarden is a SuDS feature that provides an opportunity to use rainwater for irrigating plants and to
improve drainage by filtering rainwater through the planted area into a voided stone-fill storage area. This
stored rainwater is discharged into the sewer network at a controlled rate and when capacity becomes
available once surcharging in the sewer network subsides after the storm event has passed. Raingardens
also provide enhanced amenities, with an improved ecological habitat with enhanced biodiversity and a
generally improved appearance to the area. These are being implemented throughout the borough to
enhance the capacity of the existing drainage network.

• Rainwater Planters (for residents)
An exciting new trial project to capture rainwater and help to reduce flooding is underway. The Community
Rainwater Management team (an environmental project group), working with the National Flood Forum are
testing out a method of distributed storage to reduce the impact of heavy rainfall on sewers. Subject to Ofwat
(Water Services Regulation Authority) funding, we are trialling the installation of Rainwater Planters (at no
cost to householders). A rainwater planter is a type of water-butt, with the dual benefit of capturing rainwater
for you to use on plants and your garden. These also have a planting tray on top for plants and will assist
reduce the impact of storm rainwater on sewers.

The Met Office says, “four of the five warmest summers on record have happened since 2003, as the effects
of climate change are felt on the nation’s summer temperatures”. With hotter, drier weather and increases
in heavy rain and flooding, we need to find alternative solutions to storing and managing rainwater.

We will be in touch over the next few months to tell you more about this free offer, and how you can benefit.

Wadley/Esther road - statutory consultation

Following community engagement earlier in 2022, the Council has now completed the detailed design for the
Wadley/Esther Road flood mitigation scheme. As part of this process we have undertaken further parking stress
surveys in the area which indicate that there is sufficient on-street capacity to accommodate the changes.

The next stage is to undertake a Statutory Consultation on the associated Traffic Management Order changes
(parking bays and yellow lines) needed to deliver the scheme. Statutory Consultation will start on 20 October
2022 and will last for 21 days. In addition to this leaflet, street notices will be displayed in the area with details
of the Statutory Consultation.

The specific drawings showing the proposals and parking changes can be accessed in the link below:

If you would like to send any comments, please contact the Enjoy Waltham Forest Team quoting “Wadley/Esther Road-Comments” in the subject line of the email or letter; and send it to the email address or postal address below before 11 November 2022 (please include your name and address):

Email Address: enjoy@walthamforest.gov.uk

Postal Address: Traffic Orders (Wadley/Esther Road), Highways, Low Hall, Argall Avenue, London, E10 7AS

If you would like hard copies of any of the drawings please contact us using the details above, or phone
020 8496 3000

Following Statutory Consultation, we will analyse the feedback received and include any further suggestions
if feasible. We will then write to residents again setting out the next steps